The maps below are all created from data based on the Religious Congregations and Membership Study: 2000. The maps that are specific to a denomination or faith group represent those groups that participated in U.S. Religion Census 2000 who have at least on 1,000,000 adherents or have congregations in at least 50% of US counties. If you would like a map for another group that participated in U.S. Religion Census 2000 but is not listed below, you may create the map at the ARDA here.
These maps are copyright material of ASARB. They may be used in presentations or papers for educational purposes, but they may not be sold or used in publications or products that are for sale. In such cases, permission to use these maps may be obtained from the publisher-- the Glenmary Research Center.
- Largest Participating Protestant Religious Group (590kb)
- Largest Participating Religious Group (584kb)
- Participating Eastern Christian Groups (594kb)
- Participating Eastern Religious Groups (570kb)
- Percent of Population Claimed by All Participating Religious Groups

Adherents as a Percentage of Total Population,
Selected Denominations
- American Baptist Churches in the USA (551kb)
- Assemblies of God (570kb)
- Catholic Church (581kb)
- Christ Church (Disciples of Christ) (556kb)
- Christian Churches and Churches of Christ (567kb)
- Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee) (555kb)
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (581kb)
- Church of the Nazarene (567kb)
- Churches of Christ (565kb)
- Episcopal Church (570kb)
- Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (571kb)
- Muslim Estimate (518kb)
- Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod (574kb)
- Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) (576kb)
- Seventh-day Adventist Church (577kb)
- Southern Baptist Convention (565kb)
- United Church of Christ (552kb)
- United Methodist (579kb)
- Jewish Estimate (533kb)