2020 Study Publication and Info

The U.S. Religion Census is a count of religious congregations, and where available, the number of people affiliated (adherents) with those congregations. The 2020 U.S. Religion Census has data on 372 religious bodies across the nation. The material on the website includes counts of congregations and adherents for each of the 372 groups in every county (or county equivalent) in the United States. This data is available in report form and in maps, and the entire dataset can be downloaded in spreadsheet format.

2020 U.S. Religion Census publication

The 2020 publication includes 11 chapters outlining the history of congregation-level data collection and data analyses covering such topics as immigration, diversity, and trends. The authors of these chapters use maps, tables, and charts to help illustrate their findings. There are also four tables summarizing the data by nation, state, metropolitan/micropolitan area, and county. Finally, there is a section of 37 full page maps. In total, the publication has 284 pages.

Entire book (PDF; 284 pages; free download)

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Individual Chapters from the book

The U.S. Religion Census: Introduction and National Overview – Clifford Grammich

Quick Answers to Important Questions from the U.S. Religion Census – Alexei Krindatch

Historical Efforts to Collect U.S. Data on Religious Congregations – Clifford Grammich

Trends in US Religion Census Adherents Data, 2010-2020 – Erica J. Dollhopf

Patterns of Historical and Organizational Events and Conflict – Richard Houseal

Religious Diversity in the United States – Dale E. Jones

Regional Differences in Religious Congregations and Adherence – Mary L. Gautier

The Rise and Geographic Dispersion of Non-Christian Faith Traditions in the United States – Mike McMullen

Religion and Metropolitan Status in the United States – Dale E. Jones

A Portrait of Immigration, Race, and Religious Congregations and their Adherents in the United States – Allison L. Norton

What are “Religious Bodies?” Denominations, Non-denominations, and the Gray Areas in Between – Scott Thumma

Tables 1-4: Nation, State, Metropolitan/Micropolitan Areas, and County listings (Excel file)

Maps Section



The links below are to PDF files with information on how the 2020 U.S. Religion Census data was collected. The Preface and Introduction provide an overview of the study's methodology and summarizes participation. Appendix A contains basic information for each of the groups listed in the study. Appendices B through K describe special efforts to count various groups.

Preface and Introduction

Appendix A--Definitions, Procedures, and Comments

Appendix B--Non-denominational Christian Churches

Appendix C--Jewish Groups

Appendix D--African American Groups

Appendix E--Mailing Address Lists

Appendix F--Orthodox Christian Groups

Appendix G--Buddhist Groups

Appendix H--Hindu Groups

Appendix I--Amish Groups

Appendix J--Plain Anabaptist Groups

Appendix K--Muslim Estimate

Our Promise To
Participating Groups

This study is not for marketing purposes; names and addresses of congregations are not collected or published. The study works with each participating group to ensure the group's accurate representation.

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