2010 Banner

Reports and Analyses

Links to some of the studies based upon
the 2010 U.S. Religion Census* and its earlier volumes.

Press Conference Report for the release of the 2010 U.S. Religion Census, May 1, 2012

Presentations at the 2012 SSSR/RRA meeting - Religious Diversity in the United States (PDF of PowerPoint, or Text) by Dale E. Jones; Catholics in the Religion Census: An Overview or Catholic Home Mission Need: Indicators from the Religion Census by Clifford A. Grammich

Presentations at the 2013 SSSR/RRA meeting - Religious Adherence as a Social Correlate, and Religion Correlates PowerPoint.

Introduction to the 2010 U.S. Religion Census publication


*As corrected data become available, the files are updated on the data-driven sites. See the Errata section. Studies done before that date may not reflect the latest changes. (In every case, the changes barely affect national or state totals.)

Our Promise To
Participating Groups

This study is not for marketing purposes; names and addresses of congregations are not collected or published. The study works with each participating group to ensure the group's accurate representation.

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