About The Census

Media Coverage

The U.S. Religion Census material is used extensively by journalists and academics. 

Recent articles include:

Why does the Midwest love orchestras so much? -- Washington Post

US Religion Census Maps Changing Churches, Declining Denominations: The 2020 project shows shifting complexity of organized religion -- Christianity Today

Less than half of Americans are members of houses of worship -- AP 

Who Practices What Religion, Where, in Virginia -- Univ. of VA


Also check out our Facebook page for the latest updates.


Last decade's release of the 2010 U.S. Religion Census received extensive coverage in the media.

Here's a small sampling:

Web: Diversity Rising: Census Shows Mormons, Nondenominational Churches, Muslims Spreading Out Across U.S.--Huffington Post

TV: Religion Census--Chicago Tonight

Print: Muslims bypass Mormons as fastest-growing religion in Illinois--Chicago Tribune

Print: Tampa Bay ranks low in religion census--Tampa Bay Times

Web: Religion Census: Increase in Evangelicals, Mormons, Muslims; Decrease in Catholics, Mainline Protestants--Christian Post

Print: Religion census reveals substantial LDS growth--Deseret News

Web: Most and Least Catholic States in America--Huffington Post

Web: Mainline churches are emptying. The political effects could be huge.--Vox

And the data has been used in broader analyses of American culture and geography.

Print: Being Muslim in America--Leila Fadel, National Geographic

Web: Dominant Religions in the U.S., county by county--Robby Berman, Big Think

Our Promise To
Participating Groups

This study is not for marketing purposes; names and addresses of congregations are not collected or published. The study works with each participating group to ensure the group's accurate representation.

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