2020 Study

2020 Study

The 2020 US Religion Census includes data from 372 religious bodies. Special studies were commissioned for several groups that do not regularly gather data. In 2020, the collectors invited over 500 groups, encouraging them to submit their 2020 annual counts of congregations, members, adherents, and worshippers by county.

Members of the 2020 steering committee were Clifford Grammich, Erica Dollhopf, Mary Gautier, Richard Houseal, Dale Jones, Alexei Krindatch, Richie Stanley, and Scott Thumma. 

Use the links below to access the 2020 research publication, select interactive maps, or download the 2020 data.

> 2020 Study publication and methodology

> 2020 maps and data files

> Interactive maps

Our Promise To
Participating Groups

This study is not for marketing purposes; names and addresses of congregations are not collected or published. The study works with each participating group to ensure the group's accurate representation.

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