2010 Banner

Maps and Charts for 2010

236 faith groups have been included in the 2010 U.S. Religion Census.
Maps based upon this data are available for download.

NOTE: In an effort to better match the ASARB standards for adherents, a few religious bodies changed the way their adherents were reported in 2010, including Amish groups, the Catholic Church, Friends groups, Jewish groups, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Non-denominational Christian Churches, and the United Methodist Church. This change does not affect any of the data in the newly released 2010 U.S. Religion Census: Religious Congregations & Membership Study. Indeed, data for these groups are now more comparable to that of other bodies than in previous decadal reports. But caution should be used when downloading comparison maps.

If any of the map data seems inaccurate, please call this to our attention.

downloadable MAPS and charts
These maps may be downloaded and shared, under the condition that the citation on the map is included in any distribution.
Our Promise To
Participating Groups

This study is not for marketing purposes; names and addresses of congregations are not collected or published. The study works with each participating group to ensure the group's accurate representation.

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